Tell Your Legislators:
Support LD 1020
the Bill to CANCEL
the Gorham “Connector”!

Last week, we got another huge win, as the Maine Turnpike Authority announced it was stepping aside on the effort to address traffic issues west of Portland. The Maine DOT would take over addressing the problem.

But, the law passed in 2017 authorized the MTA to decide whether or not the highway is a good idea, then build it, with no limit on how much they spend, how much they have to raise tolls on everyone to pay for it, or who they bulldoze along the way.

We are supporting LD 1020, which would repeal the MTA’s authorization to build the Gorham Connector. It is sponsored by Senator Stacy Brenner of Scarborough and Gorham, and co-sponsored by state lawmakers from the impacted communities.

It would also require the MTA to sell the land back to the prior owners for the price they paid. If those prior owners don’t want to buy it, the MTA must transfer it to the municipalities at no cost.

Contact your local state legislator, and ask them to support LD 1020.

You can lookup your Maine state representative and state senator here, just enter your address.

More info to come!

Maine Turnpike Exit 45
Aimed straight for Maine. Photo credit: Maine Turnpike Authority

Maine can do better.

Maine is considering spending $331,000,000+

to expand the Maine Turnpike…

for 5 miles.

The project will destroy local ecosystems, create sprawl and pollution, and devastate the beloved Smiling Hill Farm, which has been a feature of the community since 1720.

Mainers for Smarter Transportation is a group of individuals and organizations working to protect the character of our communities and develop smart alternatives to address traffic in greater Portland. 

We can do better than this.

Supporting Organizations

Portland Climate Action Team

The Maine Turnpike Authority’s own report says its

Gorham “Connector” proposal won’t solve the problem

Expanding the highway at the expense of our communities and special places like Smiling Hill Farm is government on auto-pilot. The relief will be temporary but the damage will be permanent. It undermines Maine’s Climate Action Plan at a time when we need to aggressively reduce emissions. It will bring Maine Mall sprawl to rural Gorham, Scarborough, and Westbrook. And it won’t solve the problem.

We need an off-ramp from the Gorham “Connector”